An Anchor in the Storm:
Based on Martha’s experience with cancer and her grandson’s battle against Cystic Fibrosis, she offers hope for those who have life threatening illnesses in themselves or in their families. With Christ as the anchor, we can weather the storms.
Showers of Blessings:
Give thanks for the “little things” in life. This topic explores the everyday blessings we so often overlook in our busy schedules. Women will learn to choose thankfulness as a way to reap a harvest of blessing.
Getting Connected:
With today’s modern technology, we have no trouble getting connected to about anything we want, many neglect the most important connection. Women will hear and learn how to connect with the power of God in our everyday lives by listening to Him, reading His word, and resting in a quiet place with Him.
Legacy of Faith:
How will your family remember you in fifteen or twenty years? Based on the legacy of her own grandmother, Martha speaks to leaving a legacy of faith for our children and grandchildren.
Seasons of Your Life:
Life doesn’t end at 50 as Martha demonstrates with her own experience of changing the course of her life after retirement. Women will discover how to follow their dreams, no matter what age they may be.
Preparing Manuscripts for Contests:
Explores mistakes made in entries, getting the manuscript write, and hints for various types of entries from articles to devotions to book proposals.
Writing Devotionals
Tips on writing for the devotional market, choosing Scriptures, format for various publications, and how to avoid “preachiness.”
The Story Bank
Places to get ideas for your stories. Exercises to help you explore your experiences to get ideas for articles, devotions, stories, and books.
ESP Makes Your Writing
Explores how we relay the used the five senses to draw the reader into your story. Exercises on description using the senses will give participants hands on opportunity to despict sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and touch.
Setting the Scene:
Learn how to put your reader in the story without overloading on description.
Diving into the Deep POV
Explores how to use deep internal thought to give more insight and understanding into your characters. Experience the story through the main characters.
Writing the Personal Experience Article:
Explore how to make yourself a character in your article and how to tell your story without preaching and writing the take-away.